Friday, November 1, 2019

Reflection 5: Infected—On Viral Videos

Viral videosthose videos that quickly gain popularity throughout the Internet are seemingly made for an era in which information is transmitted rapidly and social networks are the new water coolers. Sometimes entertaining, sometimes even annoying, these videos often take on a life of their own, even if their shelf life is short. Yet, for every "Gangnam Style" there are thousands of videos that no one ever pays any attention to. Why? What is it magic formula for a video going viral? And what of the stars of these videos? While many people were inadvertently (and regrettably) associated with viral videos, many others hope that they will catapult them to stardom. Have viral videos become a shortcut to fame? And are they a legitimate way to break into show business? Finally, what are some of your favorite viral videos and why?

Find at at least two relevant articles in include in your discussion.

    • MLA Style
    • Approximately 250 words
    • Works cited page

    Due: Thu 11.7

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