Friday, November 22, 2019

Extra Credit: "I Bet Nobody Will Share This Post"—Creating an Image Macro

As you know, a "meme" typically refers to an activity, concept, catchphrase, or piece of media which spreads "virally" via the Internet. We will focus on what is arguably the most popular form of meme today: the "image macro." An image macro is an illustration or photograph with text (typically in Impact font) superimposed onto it. For this extra credit assignment*, you will create and examine memes, specifically image macros, from three vantage points: you will dissect one, you will rehabilitate one, and you will create one.

*Worth up to 10 points

Part I: Anatomy of an Image Macro
You are first tasked with analyzing one of the following image macros:




In you analysis, consider:
  1. How would you describe the premise? 
  2. What is the meme's intended effect? Does it achieve it?
  3. What does the viewer have to be "in" on in order for the meme to succeed? What do you miss if you're not "in" on the joke?
Word count: 250 words


Part II:  Rehabilitating an Image Macro
For this section, you will choose a less successful image macro (of which there are many), and examine its shortcomings. In your review, explore the reasons the meme falls short. What was its likely original intent? How was it poorly executed? Is it logically sound? Most importantly, how would you improve it?

Note: Cut and paste your image macro into Part II of the document

Word count: 125 words


Part III: An Image Macro is Born
First, using one of the images below, you will create an original image macro. The goal is to successfully marry image and text into a succinct and effective message. Use one of the stock images below. Secondly, encapsulate your image macro in a short summary. Explain what your goal was and how image and text came together to execute your vision.

Notes: 1. Use traditional Impact font in your design.  2. Cut and paste your image macro into Part II of the document

Word count: 125 words


Written requirements:
  • MLA Style 

Sources for image macros:
Note: Many of these sites contain NSFW material


FINAL DRAFT—Fri 12.13 (Email to by 7 pm)

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